
Bouquet of Lilies

These pictures are indicitave to what our florists design. Flower availablility does vary and each of our florists have their own unique taste and style. Please expect some variation from what you see

  • Choose products
  • Select delivery date and add on items
  • "Click my cart" to complete delivery information and payment
  • During checkout there is a space for you to add a card message and any information we may require
Day of Delivery - please select
Colour of Lilies

This bouquet will be made up with fresh  and in season flowers (the flowers may vary slightly from the picture but colour palette will be followed)


We can either arrange your flowers as a bouquet (default option)

In a vox  (a cardboard vase with a plastic lining, this is a fuss free option perfect for those who may not have something to put flowers in)

Or a glass vase if you would rather


Please make sure you include your card message in the comments section during check out along  with any special delivery instructions  or requests


Please also  make sure you fill in the recipient delivery details after "billing address"


If you have any questions or special requests feel free to give us a call on 03 6888844

Bloomers Flower Shop

Timaru's largest flower shop and floral supplies Same day delivery in Timaru and local towns