
Bloomers Bright Basket

These pictures are indicitave to what our florists design. Flower availablility does vary and each of our florists have their own unique taste and style. Please expect some variation from what you see

  • Choose products
  • Select delivery date and add on items
  • "Click my cart" to complete delivery information and payment
  • During checkout there is a space for you to add a card message and any information we may require
Day of Delivery - please select

Bloomers Bright Basket will be a selection of the best quality in season flowers in a complementing selection of colours arranged in basket.

If there are any particular colours you would like used please mention this in the comments section during checkout along with a message to go on a card and any special delivery instructons (where to leave it if no one is home etc).

Goes great with a box of chocolates!


The basket is best for delivery in Timaru or local towns

Sadly we cannot send this option to the North Island or long distance South Island 

Please ring 036888844 or email to check delivery options outside of Timaru or with any questions.

Bloomers Flower Shop

Timaru's largest flower shop and floral supplies Same day delivery in Timaru and local towns