Bloomers Flower Shop
Timaru's largest flower shop and floral supplies Same day delivery in Timaru and local towns
Our range of indoor plants is frequently changing. We have such a large range of indoor plants in stock which makes it hard to update our online shop.
We try post pictures of what we have on our facebook page for our plant lovers. This is the best way to see our new arrivals
We are happy to send anywhere in the South Island on a same day courier (as far as Christchurch and Dunedin) and overnight courier for anywhere else
If you have any requests send us a message on facebook or by email and we can get back to you with the cost
Florist choice selection of indoor plants to the selected value
Beautiful smelling potted hyacinth. Makes for a perfect indoor or outdoor plant
Phalaenopsis Orchid (Moth Orchid)
This beautiful tropical Phalaenopsis orchid is now Europe's number one selling indoor plant and is fast becoming New Zealands favourite. Orchids are much easier to look after than most people think. The moth orchid is available in a range of colours from yellow, white and pink and when looked after properly it will bloom for many months in the right position.
Cut the spike just above the first strong bud (approx 20 cm above the pot) when flowering has finished. Your orchid will usually flower again within 6 to 8 months.
Indoors only in a high light area but not in direct sunlight.
Water weekly in summer; fortnightly in winter. Add the fertiliser to the water and pour the water into the pot until it comes out the bottom. Do not allow your moth orchid to sit in water. Use fertiliser at slightly lower rates than indicated on the instructions.
Very long lasting flowering plant $40 - one stem
Monstera will melt your heart with their large round sliced leaves and peaceful jungle vibe. Working their magic they'll also help cleanse the air with their air purifying qualities.
Monstera thrive in a, warm, well-lit position, however keep away from direct sunlight. The soil can be slightly damp, but not saturated.
A light misting will also help create that ideal humid environment.
It is quite rare for an indoor Monstera to flower. If it happens to you, it's best to remove the flower as it does suck all the plants energy to produce the flower, and it can be quite an intrusive scent.
Philodendron are a real crowd pleaser with their fabulous tropical foliage.
The first thing you notice about Philodendron are the large leaves, which can be oval, pointed or heart-shaped, but can also have deep incisions or eye-catching veins. Depending on the species and environment, they can range from 40cm tall to over 1 metre! Part of our Air So Pure range, these clever plants absorb the carbon dioxide and conevrt it into oxygen, creating a healthy indoor climate.
Philodendron varieties we grow: Rojo Congo, Birkin, Sun Red, Xanadu Thai Congo, Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma (Mini Monstera), Imperial Golden, Pink Princess and Hastatum (Silver Arrow)
Philodendron enjoy moderate to bright light, however not direct sunlight. Keep soil moist in the growing season and drier in Winter. Plants need well drained soil. Fertilise fortnightly.
The wide diversity of leaf shapes, colour and plant structure makes Peperomia a versatile houseplant where every variety has its own character. Peperomia are an easy care indoor houseplant, which make it an ideal entry level plant for new green fingered people.
Peperomia prefer a well-lit location however not direct sunlight. The soil should be kept lightly moist, watering at the base of the plant (not on the leaves). Do not allow the soil to dry out completely. Peperomia cannot cope with cold, so do not allow the temperature to fall below 13 degrees celsius.
Zamioculcas otherwise known as the ZZ plant is an air purifying plant that thrives on neglect. Zamioculcas like very dry conditions so you only need to water approx once a month!
If you have been searching for a great indoor plant that not only looks great, but needs minimal care, then this is the plant for you.
A plant of distinguished features, the ZZ plant stands out from its counterparts with its unique spiral structure and high gloss, deep green foliage, it grows 60-90cm tall. The ZZ plants is resilient against drought, neglect, dry air, low light and bugs! Impressively acts as a bio-filtration system that works to purify the air. This makes it extremely appealing for office environments, retail complexes, retirement centres, hospitals, schools and homes.
Choose an indoor spot that is not in direct sunlight - the ZZ plant does best in partial or filtered sun.
Syngonium, also known as Arrowhead Plant - are a bunch of lovely foliage plants originating from tropical South and Middle America. A semi tropical vine, they can climb a pole or trail down. They come in a range of colours from neon green to dusky pink. Part of our Air So Pure range, they also cleanse the air of its impurities too.
These plants do well in low-to-medium light settings and thrive in bright, indirect light.Being a semi-tropical plant they prefer warm, humid conditions.
The soil should be kept lightly moist during Spring and Summer, slightly drier during the Autumn and Winter months. Don't allow the soil to completely dry out. Fertilise on a regular basis during the Spring and Summer.
A popular indoor plant and cut flower, Anthurium andreanum is an easy care plant that looks great at home or in an office. In exchange for some attention Anthurium will surprise you in turn; she will flower throughout the year. Place different varieties of Anthuriums together to create a natural effect.
Enjoys the light but needs to be kept out of direct sunlight.
Water weekly but let the plant dry out slightly between waterings. Do not allow the plant to sit in water. Feed fortnightly with fertilizer at label rates.
The Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily) has been scientifically proven to be an efficient absorber of indoor air pollution. The Peace Lily has striking, glossy, dark green leaves and white, cobra-shaped, sweetly scented flowers. This is an easy care long lived plant.
Performs best in a well- lit, warm, draught free site. Will tolerate lower light, but will not flower as well.
Keep drier in winter and apply liquid fertilizer regularly during the growing season. Occasionally wipe the leaves to keep them dust free.
A collection of attractive Ferns each with different, decorative leaves. Part of our Air So Pure range, these lush green beauties absorb the carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen, creating a healthy indoor climate.
Our collection includes Bird's Nest, Boston, Staghorn, Bluestar and Pteris.
Give the green curls plenty of water. Make sure that the pot soil remains damp.
Don’t water into the heart of the plant - it doesn’t like it. Regular spray your fern with a plant spray, and give it some extra food once a week. Place it in a light spot, but not in direct sunlight. You can fertilise with a soluble fertiliser during the growing season.
As the nerve plant originates in a tropical setting, it flourishes within a high humidity environment. Misting may be required to maintain humid-like conditions.
Fittonia nerve plant likes well drained moist soil, but not too wet. Water moderately and let growing nerve plants dry out between waterings.
Tolerates bright light to shade conditions but will truly flourish with bright, indirect light. Low light exposure will cause these plants to revert to green, losing the veins vibrant splashes of color.
Growing nerve plants should be placed in a warm area, avoiding drafts which will shock the plant just as water that is too cold or hot.
Pothos is a very popular houseplant as they thrive in tropical temperatures. Also known as Devils Ivy as it is a robust plant that is 'hard to kill' which makes them perfect for beginners.
They can live happily anywhere you put them, so they are perfect for the office, kitchen or even the bedroom.
Satin Pothos their beautiful heart-shaped leaves have spots of silver through them, which sparkle with their dark green background leaves.
N'Joy are suited to a well lit area to encourage the variegation however ensure your plant is placed away from any direct sunlight.
Marble Queen its striking green and cream variegated leaves this popular plant is even forgiving of a missed watering
They like average light conditions to help with growth, and water often in growing-season, they don't mind being under-watered from time to time, but as a general rule water once a week.
They love high humidity areas so perfect for the bathroom or kitchen
The Calathea plants are the most popular indoor plant in New Zealand, seen in many homes and offices. Calathea plants are part of the Marantaceae family which is a flowering species from the tropical areas in Africa. They are also known as prayer plants as they will curl their leaves up at night.
Calathea's like the following conditions;
The Ficus collection. Ficus are a beautiful easy care houseplant, and a very popular choice for indoor decor. If allowed, these will grow from a mini shrub to an indoor tree. A range of different coloured leaf varieties, you'll find yourself wanting the whole family!
Also part of our Air So Pure range, helping cleanse the air of its impurities.
Varieties we supply are: Lyrata (Fiddle Leaf Fig), Ruby, Tineke
The more variegated leaves, the lighter the position that the Ficus prefers, although full/direct sun is too much. The soil should always be slightyly damp. Ficus drink more in a light spot than a shady one. Some plant food every month will keep it strikingly happy.